How to become a Connoisseur of the Arts

How can you become a connoisseur of the arts? As this is a lost art society blog, I thought it would be helpful for you to have some tips that will help you to become a keen observer of the arts.

Ready? Let us start.

Learn Something New about your Hobbies

Try to learn something new about an art that you enjoy. This can be learning about watercolor, reading something interesting about letters, the myrid of things are endless. One of my hobbies is photography. I love learning about new areas of how to operate the camera for the best pictures. There are so many online classes that are free that I like to take to further my knowledge of photography.

So I encourage you to find a hobby that you enjoy, but don’t have the funds to take classes, and find some good classes that are free online. There is so much we can lean by applying ourselves. I have learned over the years, if you are truly passionate about something, you will find a way to learn about it. You will drive yourself to learn, because you love the subject so much. And this brings me to my next point.

Cultivate a Love of Learning

When we cultivate a love of learning, we are always curious to study what interest us.

I love learning. When I learn something new, I feel enlivened. And this makes me want to learn even more. Learning something new can keep our minds healthy and active.

In fact if you have a particular love for an art, why not take some classes? You can learn so much and also make some friends that can help you in your journey. Just a year ago, I started to learn how to sew quilts. I always wanted to learn and taught myself some of the basics, but I never had a sewing machine. So now that I am with a quilting group I am learning so much about quilting. And seeing everyone else working on their own quilting projects, makes me want to continue to learn and someday make a great quilt.

Train Yourself to Understand True Art

There can be a fine line between true and authentic art and art spinoffs. One of the best ways to do this is to see true art. You can understand true art by reading books, attending lectures, or taking a class. Doing all of these things will give you more knowledge of the art that you love. And one of the best ways to understand true art is to do what is in the next section.

Go to Plays, Ballet, Opera, Theater, Art Galleries, etc.

Once way to cultivate your taste for arts is to go and taste all the arts, such as theater, ballet, Opera, and concerts. This is not only fun, but you will broaden your interests and tastes, and understanding. . And perhaps you will find some new interests to explore and learn.

Read Widely

One of the easiest and simplest ways to become a Art Connoisseur is reading. There are a plethora of books on many art subjects. I remember as a teenager, one of my favorite things to read up on was ballet and costume designing. Every Friday, my mother would take my siblings and me to the library. There i would scour every book I could find on the art subjects that I liked. I read so much on these subjects, I eventually ran out of books available at the library..

Needless to say, I love reading. Even as an adult, I try to make it a habit to read at least two books per week. This gives me a challenge and helps me grow in knowledge. We can learn so much though the simple act of reading.

Alright, that is all my tips for becoming a connoisseur of the arts. I hope you enjoyed reading this post.

See you next time,
