The Lost Art of Calligraphy and Penmanship

Today we will be focusing on the lost art of Calligraphy and Penmanship.

When was the last time you heard of penmanship being taught in schools? Although we do teach children the basics of print scripts, we rarely go on to cursive or even calligraphy. And this is sort of sad. I have always admired calligraphy and a person’s handwriting from the past.

Most of this lack of writing has to do with the ability to type everything. Once we learn how to type, it is so much faster to write than traditional handwriting. Traditional handwriting takes careful precision and time, which many of us simply don’t have. However, because of this, our messages to each other can have a lack of our personality. Studies have shown that our personality can be reflected by the way we write.

So, how can we restore this lost art?

Here are my tips to help you improve your handwriting and enjoy the process.

Write in a Journal

This is a sure way to get your handwriting back into shape. I know that when I don’t regular write in my diary, my handwriting becomes rather messy. The daily act helps calm my mind and my handwriting becomes much better as a result. Also, you can practice different types of penmanship and calligraphy. Every once in a while, I like to swithc my style up, so that I can practice.

So in order to improve your penmanship, make it a daily practice to journal daily. And after some time, you will be able to see vast improvement.

Writing Letters

Instead of sending emails or texts, write a letter t o your close friends Since someone else would be reading the letter, hopefully it would inspire you to write more precisely and carefully. As I have been writing more letters because of social distancing, I have found that my handwriting has improved. I am more slow and careful in my lettering. As a result, my handwriting is more flowing and clean.

This way is as a great way to show how much you appreciate your friends. So I highly suggest that you give it a try.

Have a Handwriting Notebook

Practice makes perfect., as the saying goes. A fun way to get inspired to improve your handwriting is to find what style of handwriting that you want to perfect. Then either print them out on sticker paper or just cut them up and place them in a notebook and practice going over each letter until you can do it without looking at the letter for reference. I did this a long time ago, and I can say that this method has really helped with improving and expanding my penmanship styles.

As with everything, one must decidate time to honing ha new skill. But having the beautiful pensmenship shoudl be worth the effort.

I hope that you have a great weekend,

Stay, healthy and safe,
