An Unique Opportunity

I am sure you are all aware of the news lately. Coronavirus has impacted our lives in various ways. We are now working from home. Hours at stores have been shortened. Restaurants have close their dining facilities, only operating in to-go, take-out, and drive though. It truly seems that the world has changed drastically in only a few short weeks.

However, in the minds of these challenging times, we are face with a unique opportunity. Since we are spending a lot of time at home now, we can start doing something different.

Since this is a lost art society, helping you to recover some of the great arts of the past, this would be the perfect opportunity to start doing something from the past. As we are in social isolation, having good mental health is truly important. Even as an introvert, I still enjoy being with friends. And when forced to stay inside, I sometimes feel trapped. I have to remind myself that this is a perfect opportunity to do something new.

My father texted me a photo with the caption on it,

“When you have to work from home, and end up discovering gravity: In 1665, Isaac Newton had to work from home when the University of Cambridge temporarily closed due to the Bubonic plague. It was the most productive period of his life, and he used that time to develop his theories on calculus, optics, and gravity. “

History Hustle

My hope is that we don’t give into despair and fear, but use this time wisely to educate and better ourselves.

So here are some suggestions for you to start reviving some of the lost arts of the past.

Letter Writing

Why not keep in touch with your friends the old fashioned way though letter writing? This would be the perfect opportunity. I know for myself nothing cheers me up more than seeing a handwritten letter from a friend. Right now, in the mist of this, an encouraging letter could really cheer someone else. If you have any grandparents, aunts, or uncles, this will also be a great time to tell them how much you appreciate them and hope to see them in person soon.

Family Dinner

Since everyone is stuck at home, this also would be a good time to have family dinner. Family dinner has been declining. We like to relax in front of the TV, instead of with other family members. I wrote a post on this, so check it out here. But since we are all home now, we can recover this lost art. Find something that you all enjoy and sit down at the table without any distractions and just talk with each other. In these times, we can truly see the importance of family. So many families have been disrupted already from this. Treasure the ones you love right now and use this time to truly reconnect with your family.

Play old Family Games

As with recovering family dinners, this is the perfect time to play old family games. Playing games with one another can help with boredom and lift spirits. If you really want to to play old-fashioned games, do an internet search to find old-fashioned games from the past. Some of them are easy to do, such as Whist, tick tack toe, and Noughts and Crosses. You can learn a new game once a week.

Learn something new

Now would be a great time to start learning something that you always want to do. This will also help with boredom and loneliness. For me during this time of self-isolation, is to continue to learn photography, social media management, and my languages.

I hope that these tips were helpful to you. I know that this a time of great uncertainty. We don’t know when this virus will be eradicated. We could potentially stay like this for many more months. But my advice to you is, don’t let the solidarity get to you. We have been given this time and we can choose to use it with positivity. This can be a great time for self reflection and really discovering what is really important.

Stay healthy and hope you have a great weekend,
