The Art of Solitude

Welcome Back!

I am so glad to be back after a mini break, as I have a lot of writing projects that I want to accomplish.

Today’s topic is, the Art of Solitude.

Perhaps you are wondering how is this a lost art. Why would anyone want to be alone purposefully?  But after doing some research, I have found that there are many benefits to having solitude.

So let us get into the benefits of Solitude.

  • Allows time for Reflection

Too often don’t allow for yourselves a moment to sit down and reflect. We often think that we are too busy, too occupied  with work or family, that having time to be alone and reflecting is a waste of precious time. I can certainly hold to this admonition. I too have many things that I could be doing. My mind is always thinking of things I need to do, areas that I need to work on, and courses that I need to take, scenes in my books that I need to write or iron out, and so on and so forth. I too hate being by myself. It seems lonely and oppressive. I often resort to listening to a movie, as just hearing music or someone speak helps with the loneliness. However,  as I have been trying to implement some of the benefits of having alone time, I found that I was more creative. I wasn’t distracted by other things. All that was in my mind was my own thoughts. And it also help me to reflect on life, what I enjoy doing, what I want to accomplish, where I want to be. And this helped me so much with finding clarity for  why I do what I do. So if you are finding that your days are lackluster, then take a few minutes to be alone and think and reflect upon your life. I promise that this activity won’t be futile.

  •  Boosts  the Mood

Have you ever been in a place that was extremely noisy?  So much so that you wanted to run out of the room with your hands over your ears?  I am sure many of us have been in such situations before. When the room is too noisy and has too much going on , it is easy to feel overwhelmed. When this happens to me, I stay for as long as I can to be polite, but then retreat to a quieter place. And this allows me to have a better mood. How often do you imagine sitting at a little café with ambience and quiet, working on some personal projects?  I know that feeling. Having solitude will boost your mood.

  • Foster  Creativity

When I am alone, without anyone with me,  I find that I am most creative. Ideas for my books, blog posts, and eBooks, flow out of me. Sometimes it is hard just to write everything down.  When you are always with someone or listening to a show or radio, you are not able to have your own  thoughts. As it has been shown, multitasking, watching a movie, or rather listening to a movie or radio show, while doing your homework, doesn’t help you accomplish your task any better.  So, if you are afraid to be alone, unearth some of your hobbies that you used to enjoy, such as sewing, drawing,  or writing.  Then when you are alone, force yourself to do that hobby. You will be surprised at how creative you are when you have no distractions

  • Allows for time with yourself

One last thing of the benefit  of solitude, it allows you to be alone with yourself.  If you foster solitude correctly, then you find that you can be reenergized when you are with yourself. Life doesn’t feel like a mad rush of activities, schedules, and deadlines. When you practice alone time, you will be surprised that your appreciation for the simple things in life increases. Such as a beauty of a sunrise or sunset, the beauty of folding clean laundry, or smelling the flowers, or taking a walk in nature.  When we are not alone, we seldom take the time to look at these things, as we don’t want to impose on someone else’s time. However, when we are alone, we have all the time and can look around for as long as we please.

That is all for this post. I hope that you learned something. Let us try in this new year to reenergize and rejuvenate ourselves with solitude and alone time. And you will be able to do amazing things.

Have a great weekend,
