Courtesy? A Lost Art

When was the last time that you felt someone was courteous to you? Now let me ask the question in reverse; when was the last time you were courteous to someone else?

I know that it can be hard to be courteous sometimes. You are living your own life, and feel like you don’t have the time to go the extra mile. Or if you are truly like me, then feel like others will judge you. “Oh, look at her, she is trying to get someone’s attention.”   Don’t we all have such thoughts when presented with the opportunity to be kind and compassionate?

But we need to get rid these thoughts and remember that helping someone out is far more important than how we think we look towards others, as sadly common courtesy  is not the norm our modern lives.

Justin Patton, says it best in an article he wrote called The Lost Art of Common Courtesy, “Nice, everyday gestures that used to come natural to people do not seem to come so natural anymore. Common courtesy are acts of kindness that are expected. However, in the world today I’ve come to expect rudeness more so than any act of kindness. ”

We need to remember that doing something courteous to someone else will brighten  someone else’s whole day and mood.

A quote from Maya Angelou says it best,  “People will forget what you said, but will always remember how you made them feel”

So let us dive in to what is courtesy is actually. Courtesy is defined as

“1a: behavior marked by polished manners or respect for others : courteous behavior

b: a courteous and respectful act or expression

So, how can be get this lost art back?

Here are some tips

  1. Hold open doors. Be that person that takes a few minutes to hold the door open to those who are walking behind you. Don’t be that person that doesn’t and you nearly get the door slammed in your face.  That is the opposite of courtesy.
  2. Remember to say please and thank you. Doing this just goes a long way.  Saying these  acknowledges that you know that the person has helped you or given their time for you and that you are appreciate of that.
  3. Smile. When you are happy then that happiness radiates from you to the next person.
  4. Actively listen. When a person is in front of you, give them your all. Don’t look at your phone, your watch, out the window ( unless you notice something that would be nice for both you and your friend(s). Be fully present, and that will let your friend(s) know that their time and friendship is important to you.
  5. Stick to your word. I know that plans change, but do try to stick to your word as much as you can. If you say that you are going to be somewhere, then be there. Don’t make excuses, you may have had friends who sacrificed a lot to get to the place, only to find that you bailed at the last minute.
  6. Be considerate. Always try to think of someone’s needs before your own. If you see someone struggling and needing a helping hand, be that person that shows consideration. You would want someone to do the same for you.

I hope that you enjoyed this post, and if you have any more suggestions on how we can show more courtesy, let me know in the comments.

Have a great week,
