How to be Alive in the Arts

You know that I love anything old-fashioned. There are specific values that come with the practice of good old-fashioned virtues.  It is sad that many of the arts of the past have been diminished or no longer in use. So how can we be alive in the arts, especially those arts that have been lost due to modernization?

As I have been researching and formatting ways that I can embark to rediscover and implement the arts in my life, I have come to some conclusions.

Always be learning

Take up a new art whether it is an instrument or any other art classes such as drawing painting, knitting, etc.  You will be surprised at how this will help lift your mood and make you more positive and productive.

Take every opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. I have to say I have learned more about music now than I had in the years when I wan’t as active. I played the piano for eight years and the violin for two. Then I turned seventeen and was given the option of either continuing piano or getting my Bachelor’s degree. I choose the latter, but with a heavy heart. I was also very involved with my church youth choir, but stopped at 15 because we had changed churches, and it was too much driving for my parents. So for about seven years, I had no participation in music, other than being a avid listener.  But music is one of my passions. So as soon as I was out of college, I made the decision to be more active in music by joining my church choir and saving for a harp. Now, three years later, I have to say that I am definitely more alive in music than I was ever before.

So the key here is to find an art that you are passionate about, then find classes or people who are willing to help you cultivate and improve that art. Be active in learning about the history of different arts that you love. For me this will be letter writing, music, the art of keeping home, etc.

Have an Art Field Trip

If you know of any art events in your area, make it a point to take part. You never know what fun things could be on display or taught at these events. I remember having great fun at a local art fairs held at my town. It was in a park, and artwork from various artists from around the area were displayed. There was even some of my work at the fair as  I was part of a community center for arts and my art’s teacher was in association with various schools.  ( which was a bit embarrassing, but everyone said that it was really good). Doing this will get you inspired to do more with your arts. I mean, if you are going to display it, won’t you work really hard in presenting and practicing it?

Attend Concerts, Ballets, Plays, etc.

I always loved when my family went to the ballet every holiday to see the Nutcracker. I always came out inspired. Mostly because my dream as a child was to become a professional ballerina. But that dream didn’t come true, nevertheless I still have a passion and love for anything related to ballet.

Read about your favorite art

There is nothing better than diving into a subject that you are passionate about. I love picking up new books on music and art. The books I am currently reading are “The History of Western Music” and “White Space ” and these just inspire me to know more about the arts I love.

Have a Lost Art Day

This can be any day of the week where you specifically try to implement an lost art into your daily routine. Such as penning a long letter to a friend who lives far away. Or inviting people over to your home.  Just be spontaneous. You will be surprise to home much you will look forward to doing these activities. I know I do.


I hope that these tips were helpful to you.  Remember, if you do something you love and are passionate about, then you will be happier and more productive. I can definitely say this for myself.

Have a great weekend,
