On Using your Best

Hello everyone!

Today we are going to be talking about use our best, wheather that is our best dinnerware or clothing.  All to often, we try to save our best for special  occasions. However, rarely do these special occasions occur. I know for myself, I have a lot of fine beautiful pieces that never get used because I don’t think that there is an occasion for it.  Nevertheless, we must get out of this mindset.  Back in the day, people didn’t save their best for special events. In their mind everyday was special enough to enjoy their best.

So let us revive this lost art of using our best.

Here are my tips on how to use your best everday

  1. Start the day off right with a beautiful breakfast. Who says that movie stars and rich people can afford the luxury of fine dinning. We commoners can as well.  The night before start making your breakfast.  If you are planning on having pancakes or waffles, then make the batter and put it in the fridge. That way you can whiz up a few pancakes in a few minutes.  Use you best or most favorite dinnerware and silverware, and cherish the beauty and savor a  delicious breakfast.
  2. Now that you are using your best tableware for your meals, now it is time to focus on the linens of your house. Don’t be tempted to put away a pretty tablecloth or bedspread for a special occasion. Take them out of the linen closet and use and enjoy them today. Sadly, table linens, quilts, bedspreads, and bed sheets have a relatively short life, and if they aren’t used they can be subject to mold and mildew. Why waste pretty linens in that manner?
  3. Turning from linens, we are going to clothing. Most of the time these days, people are wearing lounge wear when they are at home. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, it can make us feel unproductive and sloppy. In her book, “Lessons from Madame Chic,” Jennifer says it well, ” Famille Chic always dressed well. They didn’t just dress nicely for the public and once home change into sweat suits or pajamas. Their wardrobe was formal always and they were very comfortable indeed.”  (pg.152).  So I challenge you to wear your best clothing everyday and see if it doesn’t inspire you to do more that makes you happy.

I hope this post has inspired you to live elegantly everyday. Life is so short, why do we feel like we have to be rich to enjoy the better pleasures of life? We can create a rich life by just using our best and making our everyday life meaningful and memorable.

Have a great weekend,
