Reminiscing the Idyllic Life

As a avid reader, I love the portrayal of simple life, life among the plants and animals. I love days when I don’t have anything to do other than tend to my roses, enjoy the sunrise and sunset, and just linger and savor every moment.  So often we are so busy that we forget to treasure the little moments, the little experiences that are important in our everyday lives.

I love watching and reading people that have a simpler life. The ones that wake up with unhurried ease and tranquility. They are present in the moment. They  see and enjoy the little things, such as the sound of the bird, the wind in the trees, the smell of roses. They are able to enjoy the day, not dread it.   How we long to be like these people, with their ease and peaceful tranquility.  So how can we revive this lost art?  Here are my tips on how to savor the idyllic life so your days can be more peaceful and tranquil.

  1. Get a goodnight’s sleep. You can enjoy your mornings much more better when your are rested and refreshed.
  2.  Find ways to enjoy a moment. We all have the feelings of being overwhelmed, trying to finished the day’s tasks, but take a moment to enjoy one of the processes. Maybe for you enjoy writing down your to-do list,  or putting on the kettle for coffee. Finding these little joys will make the day go by more peacefully.
  3.   Find your ideal morning routine and stick to it. Part of the reason we wake up frazzled and unproductive is because  we are so rushed in the morning. Make it a point to get a goodnight’s rest, then rise earlier then you usually. You will find that you feel so much more relaxed and tranquil.  If you enjoy having a great breakfast, do that, if you enjoy going to the gym and working out, do that, or if you are like me and enjoy working outside before the day gets to hot in the garden, then my all means do that. Making a point to do the things you love first thing in the morning will be a sure fire way to make you happy in the morning and therefore more productive.
  4.  Take pleasure in the little things. Sometimes we are too overwhelmed, exhausted, and mentally tired that we forget to savor and see the little pleasures in life.  The beauty of the sunrise and sunset, the chirping of the birds, the smell of cookies in the oven, the fragrance of clean laundry, the smiles that people make, all of these are the simple pleasures that must be acknowledged.  We don’t have to have a glamour celebrity life to have a beautiful life, we can have and make our days just as beautiful and memorable if we are willing to make it happen.
  5.  Challenge yourself. Think of three ways you can simplify your life and savor little day pleasures.  For me this would be to enjoy the sound of birds while I do my morning writing or workout. To not be in a hurry to get things done but to savor every moment of the process. Those would be my challenges to simplify my life.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you in the next one,
