The Lost Virtue of Purity

It seems that having purity and being pure is constantly being forgotten.  Children see and hear things at earlier and earlier ages than ever before.  True purity and innocence seems lost.

In the Bible, Philippians 4:8 says,  “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. ”

So how can we bring back this lost virtue? While there is no true tips or tricks to help bring about this virtue, there are many ways we can protect ourselves and raise our children on the virtue of purity and propriety.

  1. Disengage in anything that is not pure.  If you have young children, then protect them from anything that you don’t think is pure or wholesome. Only allow in your home the things that are for children. When I was growing up, we were only allowed to watch some television, mainly watching children’s classic movies, such as Winnie the Pooh, Merry Poppins, and the New Testament Series by Nest. This allowed us not to learn about anything that was not age appropriate for us.
  2.  Use books that promote purity.  While we cannot shield ourselves from every evil or unpurity, at least have classic literature books that enterian and inform of the good and the true. I especially love the Lamplighter books for children. These books have wonderful stories full of treachings and character building. I would highly recommend the Elise Dinsmoore books for girls and  Lamplighter books for both, as they are filled with teachable, wonderful stories.
  3. In related to the last tip, choose the books you read carefully. So many books today have unnecessary bad words and scenes.  To keep myself from temptation, I carefully choose my books from respectable sources, and read reviews of books I am interested in to see if they are worthy to be read. What we don’t need to know, we don’t have to read.
  4. Carefully choose your forms of entertainment. Entertainment now has to have everything mainstream.  There is either a lot of violence in kids movies or shocking love scenes in adult movies, which are unnecessary to get to the point. I love watching older classic movies, such as Little Women, Little Men, Miss Potter, Anne of Green Gables,  Road to Avonlea, just to name a few. Entertainment can be pure and enjoyable to watch. I much prefer movies that make me feel good and inspire me, then watching trending movies of the year or month.
  5. Listen mindfully. Just as you be careful about the movies, TV, and books, you should also be careful about the music and audiobooks you listen to. Especially be careful if you have small children who can pick up any bad words. So often we think that children will learn these things eventually, and the younger the better. However, young minds are not equipped to logically figure out and process things as older people. They are at the stage where they absorb things like spounges. Because of this, we should be careful about what they absorb until they are ready and able to loglically figure out events and their significance.

I hope these tips were helpful. Together we can bring back purity and propriety.

Have a great day,
