The Lost Art of Celebration

In today’s post we are going to explore the lost art of celebrating. I know we do celebrate important things in life, such as marriage, births, Christmas, New Years, etc, but I am talking about a celebrating everyday events.

The word celebration comes from the Latin word  “Celebrare” meaning “to throng, frequent, observe (  an occasion festivity), praise.”

In our modern day society, I don’t think we take the time to adequately celebrate important events in our history, and in everyday life.  Yesterday, my family and I went to an event to celebrate the 500 anniversary of the Reformation.   I love the event, as it gave details though Luther’s life and the trials surrounding the reformation movement.  Yet, many speakers ended that we should be celebrating the works that God gave these men everyday.  That because of this event in history, we are able to sing in church and also have the word of God in our own language. This calls for not one day of remembrance and celebration, but everyday gratitude and thanksgiving, as  many other nations and counties still do not have this luxury.  Thus, this got me wondering why we don’t celebrate these events more often. Perhaps we are just too busy to celebrate, or we just don’t know how to celebrate.

So here are my tips to help you start celebrating more events in life.

1. Celebrate your friends by treating them to a special lunch or dinner, this doesn’t need to be any particular day. In fact, you could do this every month or so, just to keep everyone in touch.

2. Host a party celebrating one of your favorite events in history. Ask friends to share their favorite events in history, and have a gift swamp of that history theme

3.  Find small ways to celebrate each day. Each day is beautiful and special, so find a way to do something you enjoy doing everyday. This will help you be grateful for your life, and find a reason to celebrate everyday.

That is all for this post. Let me know in the comments if you have any more ideas of how to celebrate more, I would love to know.

As always, have a great week!
