Ways to implement Letter Writing in Modern Society

Although many people are staring to realize the significance that a personal letter brings, they are unsure of where to begin writingFeatured image letters again.  Here I will get five tips so that you can recover the lost art of letter writing.

1. In addition to emailing or texting a friend on their birthday, why don’t you send a surprise letter to them. From personal experience, I always enjoy receiving letters from some of my friends on my birthday.

2. If you are aware that one of your acquaintances has accomplished something like a college degree, award, etc, writing a letter can be a great addition to congratulating them.

3. A great idea for moms and older children who will be temporary away is send post cards detailing what they are doing every day. This would be a nice treat, especially for younger children or siblings.

4. Get well letters, sympathy letters, etc. These letters are really nice when someone is unwell or going through a hard period in their lives. These letters can show that love  and care very much about them.

5. Thank you Letters or appreciative letters.  These letters are nice to do when someone asks you to a concert, movie, or dinner. Giving them a letter of “thanks” shows you appreciate their thoughtfulness, kindness, or hospitality, for whatever the occasion. I know I personally loved getting these letters. My mom would give letters like these when I was little and did something that required a lot of work or effort, such as doing all the housework by myself.download (3)

I hope these tips will help you find creative ways to implement letter writing in our modern, and many times, very busy lives.

Happy writing!

Image found at weheartit.com  and pixabay